Join NNOXX starting at $39 per month and get the NNOXX One Device free with your membership.

Select NNOXX One or NNOXX One Elite to transform your fitness.

Starting at $39 / month with device


  • NNOXX One wearable, band, and USB charger
  • NNOXX One mobile app with AI coaching

Starting at $299 plus subscription


  • Everything that comes with NNOXX One
  • NNOXX High Performance Platform

Free delivery

Free returns

Amazing Support

Why Choose NNOXX One?

  • Accurate Data in Real-Time: Get precise, real-time feedback on your Nitric Oxide (NO) and Muscle Oxygenation (SmO2) levels, directly from the muscle groups you’re working.
  • Endorsed by Elite Athletes: Trusted by NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, and Olympic teams, as well as CrossFit Games athletes and UFC fighters.
  • Personalized AI Coaching: Benefit from a built-in AI coach that guides you through your workouts, helping you maximize your performance based on your unique data.
  • Lab-Quality Results Anywhere: Experience the power of an expensive lab in a compact, affordable device you can take anywhere.

How does NNOXX work?

Using patent pending biosensors, NNOXX One shines tissue-penetrating light into the body and measures the amount of oxygen and nitric oxide.

The NNOXX One app takes the information, displays it in real-time, and uses it to determine how effective and efficient your workout is.

The app can also provide instructions for increasing nitric oxide levels while you're exercising.

The experts love it.

Next Level Understanding
I'm constantly tinkering with my training and trying to learn the best possible ways to maximize my potential as a human. With that said, having a basic understanding of what training protocols elicit what training adaptations is a start. NNOXX takes this understanding to another level. We now can learn exactly what is going on under the hood and it's incredibly valuable in my line of work.
Image of Will Moorad
Will Moorad
Professional Crossfit Athlete
Direct Insights
What sets NNOXX apart is its data-driven approach to performance, the product collects and analyzes my muscle oxygenation and nitric oxide during a workout, providing direct insights into my progress over time. This not only motivates me to push harder but also ensures I’m consistently scaling and adjusting my workouts to hit the planned stimulus to promote maximal adaptation.
Image of Braxton DeCamp
Braxton DeCamp
Crossfit HQ
Athlete Performance
This non-invasive wearable gives us the opportunity to measure nitric oxide concentrations in our athletes, which, in turn, can give us data and recommendations on programming our training to improve our athlete's performance based on their individual performance markers.
Image of Phil Daru
Phil Daru
UFC Coach

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